Most Cost-Effective On-Site Pipe Work Fabrication and Repairs
- Pyplok® fittings are permanently swaged in seconds, reducing on-site time and labour.
- Pyplok® fittings are swaged on pipe/tube cold, so no hot work permits or fire watch personnel are required.
- Pyplok® tooling is hydraulically actuated, removing the need for special site services.
- Pyplok® systems prevent the need for gas freeing.
- Pyplok® systems do not require acid pickling and neutralizing, eliminating the environmental issues related to the disposal of such chemical wastes.
- Pyplok® eliminates the time and cost of NDT (radiography or x-ray) requirements.
- Pyplok® fittings are verified with a "Go-No-Go" inspection gauge, providing a much quicker and less costly process than NDT.